Review: Fescal – Lethal Industry « Efescenmeyer's Blog
This is a nice 8-track collection of probably loosely described ambient music. I think it would work really well around 3pm on a Sunny Saturday, and definetly with headphones. Fescal does a pretty good job of combining drone with just enough melody to make it work right. Overall, the release is consistent. There are two tracks stray a bit, notably Wayfaring Geography, having a darker feel and Aboon which has elements of field recording mixed in – to good effect, though.
Review: Syndrôm – Nomades En No Man’s Land « Efescenmeyer's Blog
There’s a lot of music on the web. There’s a lot of pretty good music on the web for free and then there’s something from a netlabel that is really really good. This Syndrom album Nomades En No Man’s Land is one of those.
When I reflect on it, I think of something of a cake – ythe frosting is basically Amon Tobin while the thick cakey bits are definitely the hard parts of Photek. So, yes, it is drumb and bass, but not the Dieselboy variety.
Normally, I like to talk about what tracks really shine on a release, but this one is so cohesive that even though it has 20 tracks, it feels like one. The whole thing seems like a story, very good headphone music with a very well executed sound. I totally recommend this one. It works really well for a sunny day as it works for a drive through fog – both I have tested.
Review: Fescal | tokafi.com
The oeuvre of Fescal is an attempt of disproving the notion that instrumental music is by default incapable of delivering a message. Firmly rooted in deep ambient, atmospheric drones and darkly associative soundscapes, the project's first trio of releases doesn't require metaphorical spoken word contributions, pseudo-intellectual titles or liner notes to rise above the mere acoustic massage and „pure entertainment“ of most albums from the genre. Rather, the devil's in the detail, revealing itself through a glacially unfolding narrative.
„Lethal Industry“ is perhaps most tangible in this regard: Haunting choirs are chanting in the distance („The Harbour Master“) and syrupy organ points are viscously flowing through clouds of hiss („Orichalcum“), while mysterious processes are stirring underneath the lense of Fescal's microscope. Tracks like „Moon Man“, with its serene pulsation and breathing layers of metallic dust or „Atlas Air“, a single complex tone sustained for six full minutes, are meanwhile turning „Endorphin“ into a feast for lovers of the drone.
Most ambitious, however, is „Twin“, Fescal's latest work on pioneering German netlabel Tonatom: Glistening ambiances are interwoven with fantastical field recordings, all seemingly rotating around eight-and-a-half-minute „Sunday Morning“, which injects a dose of genial tranquilisers into an otherworldly vision of musique concrete and dreamy chimes.
Thanks the words above.