Related Link: Playlist January | Intelligent Machinery
Related Link: Playlist November 1st 2008 | Intelligent Machinery
Bypass on NTNS Radio:
Playlist November 1st 2008:
Delia Derbyshire does John Peel
Gustavo Becerra Schmidt - Batuque (1971)
Ryonkt - All the things which I see (Lunar Flower)
- Night walk
- The river which flows slowly
- Asphalt
- Color and form
- Time with the lovebird
Specta Ciera - Mystic valley parkway (Distance recordings)
- No more sleeping over
- Moving closer
- Distant ice cream truck
- The firefly story
- A whole bunch of thunderstorms
- Purple morning glory
Gustavo Becerra Schmidt - Obra Electroacustica (Pueblo Nuevo)
- Nocturno (1971)
- Quipus (1978-1980)
- Strukturen (1978-1980)
- Ballistocata (1979)
- Poema para percusiones sampleadas [musica cibernetica] (2008)
Pablo Sanz - Ruidos Adventicios (Desetxea)
- Estertor sibilante
- Sollozo cavernoso
Siegmar Fricke - Omentopexy (Bypass)
- Sutur
- Omentopexy
- Protusion
Disastrato - Très textual (
- Lessons on conversation
- part 3 - a pointless point in time
- Frusques - naylon
- Zapping air shapes
- Fresh remarks (oha)
- Seni seviyorum
- Prenses
- So sade (Minik Kediler)
- Tasting Duchamp
- Finest art for the vain grandchildren of the vicomtes
- Criiiiiiiiiiit (glacier de galas)
- Another nightmare for Herr Taner
- Give up
- Une vague dressée at Neitherlands
Mystahr - Sophical
Controlled Dissonance - Sunday
dust ft. flaw5 - 080727201
January 31st 2009
Preshow preview of Philip Wilkerson's Penumbra;
to be released on Just not Normal, february 7th.
Delia Derbyshire does John Peel
Ian D hawgood - Her name was frailty (TestTube)
- Frailty as the source of all things
- Rat heart modifications
Dave Seidel - Sublimation (NetnewMusic)
- The Gemini Nebula
- Owllight
- Unstill light
Op.cit. - Under the sweel (Constanta)
- Into the sweel
- Viceversa ver.3 fig. D
- Lapelled
- The sweel / Meela
Jonathan Zorn & Rachel Thompson - The tea bazaar (Frozen Elephants)
- The tea bazaar (Part 3)
- Dishes to feedback, are you there
Eluder - Drift (Archaic Horizon)
- Sun prayer
- Float with me
- Moon plea
Asolaar - Grimace (Sincro)
- Biomeridiano
- Circo de mezcalina
- Fuzzware
- -Enjambre activo
- Grimace
- Diciembre dos
- Gel deslizante
- Minicooler b
- Minicooler a
- Litio
- Las cosas que me gustaria mostrarle
Luis Antero - Sound Narratives vol. 1 (Bypass)
- Train Station
- Water – Part 3
Children Egoism - Eleven Axis (No Echo)
- Insect
- Lyssadegma
- Sunstairs
- Cowcrowd
- Mould glitch