Friday, November 25, 2011 awxguestcast #2 (compiled by Zhang JW)

Antrasis mano svečio podcast’as iš serijos awxguestcast ir jį įrašė senas mano bičiulis iš Kinijos – Zhang JW. Kadangi jis yra bene vienintelio man žinomo kinų elektroninės muzikos netleiblo Bypass įkūrėjas ir savininkas, tai paprašiau, kad visi kūriniai būtų paimti būtent iš šio netleiblo kolekcijos – aš pats tikrai apie juos labai mažai rašiau ir čia yra puiki netleiblo prezentacija. Su Zhang JW susipažinau prieš porą metų, kai ieškojau didžiojoje Kinijoje besislepiančių netleiblų. Aptikau tik šį – garso inžinierium Kinijoje dirbantis Zhang JW man tuo metu papasakojo kokia sudėtinga yra ten situacija su interneto cenzūra, todėl nelabai kas nori užsiimti tuo, kas netrukus bus cenzūruota. Aišku, yra būdų kaip tai apeiti ir Zhang JW stengiasi tai daryti, dėl ko jį palaiko visa netaudio bendruomenė. Jis taip pat dirba ir prie kito projekto – Netaudio Index.

Pasak paties Zhang JW, šiai kompiliacijai jis surinko įvairios stilistikos muziką, taip parodydamas Bypass netleiblo idėją nesusikoncentruoti tik ties vienu stiliumi, taip pat atskleisdamas ir savo simpatijas laužytiems eksperimentiniams ritmams. Be to, jis dar prisipažino, kad rašyti apie muziką, kaip ir man, nelabai sekasi, mieliau jos klausosi – trankūs ritmai padeda galvoti, ambientiniai – atsipalaiduoti. Iš karto įspėju – čia rasi visko, ką leidžia Bypass netleiblas – nuo IDM iki tech house, nuo ambient iki glitch. Laidos premjera įvyko trečiadienį, 2011.11.16 per ir kai kas jau turėjo progos pasimėgauti Bypass netleiblo garsais.

Viršeliui panaudojau savo mergaitės makrofotografijos fragmentą.


01. Photophob – Brainslugs Invade (BP043)
02. Cagey House – Billboard Whiskers (BP062)
03. Syndrôm – Envie Sage (My Candy Girl) (BP060)
04. Hardstroke – It depends on (BP051)
05. Olympic Smoker – Electronic Minced (BP025)
06. EugeneKha – Zikurag (BP049)
07. Otzim Lee – Mom (RuiD Electro love mix) (BP032)
08. Nick R 61 – Evolution of Phone (BP030)
09. Laiila – Eta Digamma Privative (BP034)
10. Mel – Steady-State (BP041)
11. Eskazed – No Time To Waste feat. Rivkah (BP047)
12. Syndrôm – Jolie (BP060)
13. Cursed Chimera – Mozart Movements (BP031)
14. macabro – See You (Never Again) (BP044)
15. Enko – WOR JZL (BP063)


Bypass Netlabel.

Netaudio Index.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Radio: Netaudio - Kreativ an der Zensur vorbei

Bypass gehört mit Titeln, die bis zu 10.000 Mal runtergeladen wurden, zu den erfolgreicheren Netlabels. Die ersten acht Veröffentlichungen stammten von Zhang selbst. Der Musiker, Toningenieur und Gründer des Labels wollte seine eigene Musik verbreiten. Seinen Traum, vor allem chinesischen Künstlern einen Plattform zu bieten, musste er allerdings aufgeben. Die chinesische Internetzensur machte ihm einen Strich durch die Rechnung.

Jochen Dreier und Christian Grasse berichten für DRadio Wissen ausführlich über Zhang und sein Netlabel Bypass. (more)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Link: DOWNLOAD: Enko – Jazl Mnstr [Bypass] // DARKFLOOR

"The latest offering from Chinese netlabel Bypass has landed, together with a superb site redesign harking back to early DOS based computer programming.

The producer behind the sounds of the Jazl Mnstr mini LP is Enko; one Enkolf Kitler from Ukraine presently living and working in Moscow. He started releasing his music back in ’08 through netlabels SUBWISE, Pavillon36 Recordings, and Qulture Production and cites of one his major influences as that of Autechre.

Presented is an 11 track 34 minute excursion into the mind of Enkolf. Taking in broken beat step programming, glitchy stutters, fuzzy finishes and jazzy drum interludes such as that shown on Kont (JZL), iXet and Max Mospin; akin to early Ninja Tune and the work of Funki Porcini. This is joined by some lovely minimalist electronica as expressed with Melanholloh."
Article: Cossack Magicians vs. Modern Concrete: Zavoloka, Enko, and V4W.Enko | Far from Moscow

"Sumy is a town in Northern Ukraine that first appeared on the map over three hundred years ago in order to defend Cossack territory against warring outsiders. The nineteenth and twentieth centuries would transform Sumy into a less dangerous industrial center, but a proud connection to those earlier times persists. The image above shows a dual spiritual and industrial heritage today - in a typically ramshackle fashion, redolent of our somewhat grayer age.

From the standpoint of contemporary music, designed to orchestrate these times and places, Sumy is home to a young artist known as Enko. His work has been showcased here on several occasions. He now has an album available for free download with the title of "Jazl Mnstr." It comes to us via the Chinese netlabel Bypass and was engineered by the project's founder, who himself performs in Beijing under the stage name of ZhangJW.

Enko remains a man of very few words, beginning with his insistent unwillingness to publish any private information beyond his Christian name, Artem. The promotional materials for "Jazl Mnstr," in a similarly tight-lipped fashion, consist of a mere six sentences. Here we're reminded that Enko has moved northwards to Moscow, where he continues to nurture a musical career that was conceived under the specific influence of Autechre. His output, since those early days, has appeared through a range of netlabels such as Subwise, Pavillon36 Recordings, and Qulture."...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A nice review byMarc Weidenbaum,

Genres don't die. They just slow down and take root. Ask any current bebop, rockabilly, or drum'n'bass crew. Sometimes the rooting is regional. To dive into the world of electronic music in the former Soviet Union and related territories is to find deep outposts of late-1970s-era fusoid proto-electronica, wafty vapors whose attempt to signify etherealness is at odds with the histrionic drama of chords sturdy enough to use as a hammock. And, increasingly, and perhaps preferably, spending time in Slavic record bins (or their virtual equivalent) also means finding numerous albums that could have been released on the Ninja Tune label during its early heyday, the mid-1990s.

Case in point, the recent album Jazl Mnstr by Enko, aka Enkolf Kitler, who lives in Moscow but was raised and educated in the Ukraine. Heavy on rhythm, it's drums and bass but not, for the most part, drum'n'bass. Once upon a time this would have had the name Funki Porcini or Amon Tobin on it. Heard at this late date, the emphasis on rhythmic play sounds "post-rock" at times, the way it employs the cornerstones of a band but prods them, probes them, toward their own end, rather than merely utilizing them as a supporting structure for a vocalist.

Of course, like a lot of good post-rock, the band format that Enko is probing isn't really a rock band at all, but a jazz one. "Kont (JZL)" opens with a round-the-kit drum pattern that's all loose and world-weary, and little at all changes even as slow strips of synthesized tones get layered atop it (MP3). "Max Mospin" explores similar territory but at roughly half the pace, and the sound is as if it's being recorded from the other end of an impossibly long rectangular room (MP3). One major treat is the opening track, appropriately titled "Sparking Noise," that's all glistening static and notes that proclaim themselves as the penultimate moments of some epiphanic melody, and yet never quite resolve; if a synthesizer were a can of soda, this is what it would sound like when you popped it open (MP3).

Naysayers can dismiss such genre enclaves as holding patterns, but genres can be like clocks, which even when broken tell the correct time twice a day. For every coolhunter who thinks a certain type of music's time has come and gone, there's another noting how such-and-such classic sound is back. (The same can be said of food criticism: "Oh, sushi is so 1980s." "Oh, comfort food like mashed potatoes and chicken fried steak is suddenly all the rage.") Hems go up; hems go down. Best to ignore the trendwatchers and appreciate the level of dedication of the parties involved.

Album released on the Bypass netlabel at More on Enko at his page.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Creative notes of Calico Pastry Sunshine from Dave posted on The Muse In Music

"The main idea for these tracks was to use samples of sung vocals. I had done stuff with spoken vocals before, and I really wanted to try to come up with some settings for sung parts. The other idea was to use sounds that I associated with early psychedelic music.

So the first thing I did was comb through all the vocal samples at, a site where people upload samples for remixing. One of the ones I really liked was “the heartless bastard thought” which is by a woman named CiggiBurns. She has a cool accent, and an acerbic style, and that line really appealed to me. So I pulled that line, which, of course, completely robbed it of its context, but for my purposes that was a good thing.

Once I had the sample I put a really simple kick-snare beat under it. I had the sequencer set to 140 beats per minute, and I was using common time, and the line really didn’t lay well over those setting. So I moved the pitch of the line up a whole step, which also increased its tempo a hair, and then it actually fit pretty well, and I was able to start fleshing it out. I subbed a djembe sample for the kick and the snare, and put little guitar hits on the second and fourth beats, and that gave it a little reggae flavor, and from that point on all pretense of getting an early psychedelic sound pretty much vanished."...


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Review: Recent music heroes: Cagey House - Calico Pastry Sunshine (2011)

/Psychedelic, Art-pop, Plunderphonics, Film noir, Cut and paste, Avant-garde, Experimental electronica, Space age pop, Hauntology/

Firstly, Dave Keifer aka Cagey House hides behind himself a peculiar phenomenon where the music of him seems to be sounded outside of the recent era, mostly back to the 60`s and 70`s, yet, it is strictly future music on its own. Secondly, as he is used to manipulate with samples and sounds, he is able to evoke lots of good memories and direct it upon the listeners as well. In the recent case, however, psychedelic electronica meets space age pop meets hauntology, all of which is wrapped up in the concept of plunderphonic/sampledelic music as Keifer has practised during more than 10 albums so far. Still, it is greatly funny and even some art-rock-ish tunes can be heardable over a long stretch of time. By the way, the coverprints of Keifer`s albums are still used to be great ones.
Review: NetMusic Life: [BP062] Cagey House - "Calico Pastry Sunshine"

Cagey House (Dave Keifer), è uno degli artisti più singolari dell'attuale scena musicale contemporanea.

Prolifico, bizzarro, originale, Dave ha iniziato a comporre musica dal 1999, suonando svariati strumenti (armonica, batteria, pianoforte, chitarra) fino alla scoperta del computer e delle sue potenzialità. Nella prima decade del 2000 Cagey House ha prodotto molti album (non sono riuscito a trovare una discografia completa ed affidabile, ma credo che questo dovrebbe essere il quindicesimo circa) appoggiandosi a svariate netlabels mondiali (ha collaborato con Nishi, Boom Foot, Dog Eared Records etc.) Nel nuovo "Calico Pastry Sunshine" Dave collabora con ByPass, netlabel cinese (Pechino) fondata da ZhangJW nel 2008. Come specifica Dave in un'approfondita intervista ritrovata su The muse in music, il suo metodo di comporre è inconsciamente disordinato ("il modo più rapido di produrre musica mediocre è di procedere in modo ordinato", afferma simpaticamente Dave). Un enorme libreria di sample volutamente disorganizzata e un gran numero di virtual instruments. Il risultato è una musica che può avvicinarsi alle dinamiche di un cartoon di Hanna & Barbera, o in altri momenti ai vari passaggi di livello di un videogame. Centinaia di elementi che si succedono cavalcando innumerevoli stati d'animo e situazioni creando una musica che non è assolutamente un pasticcio sonoro ma una valanga di idee, fervida creatività, sfrontata e audace. Se ci si mette a cercare si trova qualsiasi cosa...come pescare a caso dentro ad uno scatolone pieno di figurine dei musicisti e dei generi dell'ultimo secolo. Zappa, Zorn, Beatles, Joe Jackson, musica classica contemporanea, fusion anni 80/90, la lista potrebbe procedere per pagine e pagine. Abbandonarsi alla musica di Cagey House è un'esperienza formidabile. La noia si nasconde in qualche altra galassia, certamente non qua.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Thierry's words of Fescal - Lethal Industry [BP056]:

"The share of our subservient illusions - the balance - and still run away the consistency of things, the pernicious perception of senses and ideas - Confusion - escape the unwelcome reality - rush over more - believe it - losing touch - believe - take a side road and sometimes abandon all control - Pragmatic and insightful. Fescal explores this portion of our glittering desires where are meshing delicate balance between benign outlook and terra incognita - a diffuse frontier bordering distant interlaced grating and sometimes a few slender dark laminars (aboon) - But stop ! Back to reality - a single moment - the thickness of our (precious?) evidences - a short moment but the matrix distorts again and not without a graceful agility - soon the contact will be broken, sailing on an uncertain surface, unless we still are not dockside - motionless traveler - a certainty ... In the meantime, keep on cheering !" says he somewhere." – Thierry Massard

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Just finished the new Bypass site called Bypass Netlabel Terminal System (v1.0), a pure javascript terminal CLI produce.

As the world is growing so fast that I finally feel a little bit tired of the colorful space of Internet. And also as the whole netlabel culture was start from demoscene, then I decide turn the Bypass to it nature face, and maybe formally enter to the underground forever.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

With a great honor Bypass has been selected as one of featured netlabel on Best respect to Darrell Burgan.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Radio show (with a great pleasure): Tone Plus On-line Radio Show : Season 2 Episode 12 - July 11th 2010 at 18:00 UTC+1

The 12th episode is up & you can download or stream it here.

First 30 seconds is a test tone, followed by the Show. The file is 85:10 minutes long and 77.9 Mb in size. Enjoy!

ZHANGJW "Pleh" net-release

Label: Bypass (China)
Year of release: 2008

Content: 7 tracks / 36 minutes

Other ZHANGJW releases (all net-releases!):
- ZHANGJW "Paris"
- ZHANGJW "Echo:Echo EP"
- ZHANGJW "Stainless:Tomanyhuman EP"
- ZHANGJW "A.D.S.R:Linkage EP"
- Etc.

Other BYPASS releases (all net-releases!):
- OUT LEVEL "Water Recordings"
- SPANSE "Dawn Moon"
- PHILLIP WILKERSON "Incidents In Spring EP"
- PERLSS DJ "Tai Chi"
- MEGATONE "Xenomorph"
- ESKAZED "Overload"
- PHARMAKUSTIK "Implantrobotik"
- FESCAL "Lethal Industry"
- Etc.

ZHANGJW / BYPASS web-site.



MP3 - ZHANGJW - Pleh - 2 - Mercury (06:00)
MP3 - ZHANGJW - Pleh - 6 - Ways to Search (04:37)
MP3 - ZHANGJW - Pleh - 7 - Are We Alone (06:20)
CD - DEFEKTRO - DEFEKTRO / TN666 split - 1 - D.B.T. (2:22)
CD - DEFEKTRO - DEFEKTRO / TN666 split - 5 - Mince And Mash (3:36)
CD - DEFEKTRO - DEFEKTRO / TN666 split - 6 - The Middle Of Nowhere (6:06)
CD - TN666 - DEFEKTRO / TN666 split - 8 - Polyaftertouchoff (9:15)
CD - TN666 - DEFEKTRO / TN666 split - 9 - Datapitchmodulationoff (5:06)
CD-R - SKLO - SKLO / SONIC DISORDER / INVADERS FROM MARS 3-way split - 1- Push Glass (1:49)
CD-R - SKLO - SKLO / SONIC DISORDER / INVADERS FROM MARS 3-way split - 6 - Na Sklo (4:06)
CD-R - SONIC DISORDER - SKLO / SONIC DISORDER / INVADERS FROM MARS 3-way split - 2 - Motionless Berevity Part 2 (4:41)
CD-R - INVADERS FROM MARS - SKLO / SONIC DISORDER / INVADERS FROM MARS 3-way split - 5 - The Strings Noise (3:06)
MP3 - DEFECASOUND - 1 - Verus (6:02)
MP3 - DEFECASOUND - 2 - 1947 (2:16)
MP3 - DEFECASOUND - 3 - Esfera (4:25)
MP3 - DEFECASOUND - 4 - Mutilated Romance (1:50)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Review: Syndrôm – Nomades En No Man’s Land « Disruptive Platypus (thanks)

It’s always a good thing when two great labels get together in some fashion. So when Bypass released their second net album from Pavilion 36‘s Syndrôm, it’s win-win, right? Of course it is. Listening to Syndrôm is like trying to watch TV while a four-year old hepped up on caffeine is in possession of the remote control. Whether the artist dips into the world of hip hopish in “La Vallée Noire” or the reggaefied “Dala Dala”, the listener is totally unaware of where the beats are leading, while all time enjoying the musical journey.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Review: Fescal – Lethal Industry « Efescenmeyer's Blog

This is a nice 8-track collection of probably loosely described ambient music. I think it would work really well around 3pm on a Sunny Saturday, and definetly with headphones. Fescal does a pretty good job of combining drone with just enough melody to make it work right. Overall, the release is consistent. There are two tracks stray a bit, notably Wayfaring Geography, having a darker feel and Aboon which has elements of field recording mixed in – to good effect, though.

Review: Syndrôm – Nomades En No Man’s Land « Efescenmeyer's Blog

There’s a lot of music on the web. There’s a lot of pretty good music on the web for free and then there’s something from a netlabel that is really really good. This Syndrom album Nomades En No Man’s Land is one of those.

When I reflect on it, I think of something of a cake – ythe frosting is basically Amon Tobin while the thick cakey bits are definitely the hard parts of Photek. So, yes, it is drumb and bass, but not the Dieselboy variety.

Normally, I like to talk about what tracks really shine on a release, but this one is so cohesive that even though it has 20 tracks, it feels like one. The whole thing seems like a story, very good headphone music with a very well executed sound. I totally recommend this one. It works really well for a sunny day as it works for a drive through fog – both I have tested.

Review: Fescal |

The oeuvre of Fescal is an attempt of disproving the notion that instrumental music is by default incapable of delivering a message. Firmly rooted in deep ambient, atmospheric drones and darkly associative soundscapes, the project's first trio of releases doesn't require metaphorical spoken word contributions, pseudo-intellectual titles or liner notes to rise above the mere acoustic massage and „pure entertainment“ of most albums from the genre. Rather, the devil's in the detail, revealing itself through a glacially unfolding narrative.

„Lethal Industry“ is perhaps most tangible in this regard: Haunting choirs are chanting in the distance („The Harbour Master“) and syrupy organ points are viscously flowing through clouds of hiss („Orichalcum“), while mysterious processes are stirring underneath the lense of Fescal's microscope. Tracks like „Moon Man“, with its serene pulsation and breathing layers of metallic dust or „Atlas Air“, a single complex tone sustained for six full minutes, are meanwhile turning „Endorphin“ into a feast for lovers of the drone.

Most ambitious, however, is „Twin“, Fescal's latest work on pioneering German netlabel Tonatom: Glistening ambiances are interwoven with fantastical field recordings, all seemingly rotating around eight-and-a-half-minute „Sunday Morning“, which injects a dose of genial tranquilisers into an otherworldly vision of musique concrete and dreamy chimes.

Thanks the words above.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Reviews and introductions from Night Music (Lithuania), Thanks a lot.

Mel – Unguarded « Night Music

"'Mel' – Aogu Yoshida projektas kuriantis melancholišką experimental stiliaus muziką,kurioje įžvelgiu field recordings,drone ir IDM įtakos.Reziume pats skambesys šviesus ir svaiginantis.Galbūt tai dėl švelnaus drone į kurį įjungta elektrinės gitara.Arba tai field recordings “kaltė”.Bet greičiausiai šie abu dalykai neperskiriami ir kartu įkūnija tai ką išgirsite 'Unguarded'."...

Syndrôm – Nomades En No Man’s Land « Night Music

"IDM mylėtojams Syndrôm vardas turėtų asocijuotis su 'Pavillon36' vardu,kuriame atlikėjas yra išleidęs ne vieną puikų darbą.Syndrôm – mano mėgiamas ir gerbiamas kūrėjas,nors jo kuriami darbai yra kiek sunkesnio skambesio nei įprasta girdėti pas mus.Todėl su malonumu pristatau “Nomades En No Man’s Land"...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Reviewed for Fescal's Lethal Industry [BP056] (Thanks to Thierry)

"The share of our subservient illusions - the balance - and still run away the consistency of things, the pernicious perception of senses and ideas - Confusion - escape the unwelcome reality - rush over more - believe it - losing touch - believe - take a side road and sometimes abandon all control - Pragmatic and insightful. Fescal explores this portion of our glittering desires where are meshing delicate balance between benign outlook and terra incognita - a diffuse frontier bordering distant interlaced grating and sometimes a few slender dark laminars (aboon) - But stop ! Back to reality - a single moment - the thickness of our (precious?) evidences - a short moment but the matrix distorts again and not without a graceful agility - soon the contact will be broken, sailing on an uncertain surface, unless we still are not dockside - motionless traveler - a certainty ... In the meantime, keep on cheering !" says he somewhere." – Thierry Massard

Review: Recent music heroes: Fescal Lethal Industry (Bypass) (Thanks to sagittari)

[Estonian] Fescal´i debüütalbum "Lethal Industry" on üks hägune ja kummastav halo- ja hauntopiiridega teos, mille aluseks on avar hüpnootiline helipilt ja eksperimentalistlikud analüütilised ideed. Ühelt poolt ambient-muusika, kuid selgelt oleviku ääre peal seisev, st milles peituvad sound art- ja field recording-loogika ja allikad pluss elektroakustiline virvendus. Muusika, mis püüdleb immanentselt eemaleambient-kehandi klišeelikkusest, eemale selle ohtlikest lõksudest. Lõksud, mis peituvad apelleerivas "sügavuses", st sisutühjuses, mis nii sageli ambient-teostele saatuslikuks saavad. Üllitis koosneb 8 rajast ja 35 minutist, milles marginaalsele helile (sahinad, suvalised sämplid, jutukõmin) on antud vorm ja mõte. Kohati tume ja kummituslik, sageli abstraktne, kuid mitte kordagi settiv ja kopituv. Nagu mingi stiihiline voog, mille loomuldaseks ja kaunistavaks tungiks on liikuda ja liikuda- st paisuda ja vaibuda -, omandades ajapikku ja märkamatult teistsugused reljeefid, mistõttu triivi(de) suuna järele pärimine näib kaunis mõttetu. Selles ei peitu eesmärk. See on justkui kaleidoskoop, mille tuum seisneb protsessi jälgimises, monumentumite ülestäheldamises. Jäin "Lethal Industry"`d kuulates poolteiseks tunniks arvuti taha sügavalt magama - mida ei olnud muideks minuga kaua aega juhtunud. Siinkirjutaja personaalne lemmik on sünge ja pahaendeline Wayfaring Geography.

and thanks to:

yamanotedreams: .: Fescal - Lethal Industry ( ambient - アンビエント ) Lethal Industry by Fescal « The Muse In Music

Monday, April 12, 2010

Podcast: Bleepshow #475 - Bypass showcase

Bleepshow is a podcast of electronic music compiled, hosted and produced by Pete Cooper. It’s full of greatness, awesome and win.

This is Bleepshow #475. A showcase of the Bypass netlabel.

Tracklist for this show:
  1. Olympic Smoker – Instant Happiness [Bypass 25]
  2. Cagey House – Air Queen [Bypass 55]
  3. ZhangJW – 13 [Bypass 8]
  4. Mel – Priming [Bypass 41]
  5. Macabro – Whispers [Bypass 44]
  6. Cursed Chimera – Lo-Aquios Alsa [Bypass 20]
  7. EugeneKha – Disobedience Holiday [Bypass 19]
  8. StorungStelle – Unfinished (RIP Diathroda) [Bypass 33]
  9. Pharmakustik – Abutment [Bypass 53]
  10. ZhangJW – 03 [Bypass 4]
  11. Microbit Project – Illegal Illusion [Bypass 26]
  12. Enko – Termit [Bypass 42]
  13. ZhangJW – A3 (RuiD France Remix) [Bypass 32]

Get this and upcoming Bleepshows automatically:
Bleepshow alerts at Twitter:
Pete at Twitter:

If you like what you hear, support the artists and labels featured. Send them feedback, try their other releases and spread the good word of electronic music! Remember, Bleepshow is all about great electronic music – without it, there would be no show. Massive thanks go out to the labels and artists featured in Bleepshows past, present and future.

Bleepshow is not a solo effort. There are some people I’d like to thank for the ‘extra bits’ of the show:
Demos, promos, press releases, feedback, links, recommendations, shout-outs etc

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Review: The Coat Hanger Clinic, by Cursed Chimera « The Muse In Music

Review: Recent music heroes: Cagey House B for Breakfast (Bypass)

(Estonian) Kas B for Breakfast" on sama, mis oleks "H hommikusöögi tarvis"? Või peab jätkuvalt täht "B" seda seost tunnusmärgitsema? Või hoopis mõni teine initsiaal? Näiteks M(esilane)? See on ilmselt sama, mis küsida, mis eristab Dave Keifer`i 13. albumit tema eelmistest teostest "Lark" ja "1902". Narratiivi muutused pisiasjades, millel on illusoorne moment juures, st tegelikkuses ameeriklase muusikalist kehandit muutmata. Hoolimata tõigast, et Jaapani leibel (Bump Foot) on vahetunud Hiina oma (Bypass) vastu - viimane on ennekõike tuntud rütmikeskse elektroonilise muusika kataloogi läbi. Tõepoolest, Cagey House`i kulg - 5 lugu 14 minuti sees - on jätkuvalt mittetantsuline ja sämplikeskne - kummastavad miljööd, happelised sündipassaažid, spooky klaverimuusika, teatraalsed sopransämplid - mis kokkuvõttes justkui pärineks kusagilt kummitusooperist. Sametise interjööriga art house-muusika. Metafüüsiline noir. Minu lemmiklugu on Honey Yep Nope - hunnitute vokaalosiste ja klaveriakordidega klanitud sundimatu electro-draiv.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Review: noCo...mment: Cagey House :: b for breakfast

la légèreté d'être, d'entendre et probablement de voir aussi, à chaque nouvelle réalisation de Cagey House, Dave Keifer nous enchante, nous ravit et nous permet, encore et toujours, d'espèrer que le monde pourrait être ainsi fait, de brics et de brocs, de timballes enchantées, de fanfares chamarrées, de libertinages écervelés, d'accords de guitares de dentelles, de divas supersoniques et d'un sourire de Kurt Schwitters, d'un collage libellule de Kinle Wo, de tambours battants, du voisinage d'un lièvre de mars, d'enfants toujours espiègles et d'adultes faisant des grimaces amusantes à l'ordre et la raison, avant de s'enfuir vers le prochain instant - un instant de bonheur.

by Thierry Massard

And some cool words:

Beautiful album of Cagey House. It sounds like 60's cartoons soundtrack. I feel like when I was a children while i listen to it. If you don't know his music, please try it.


I can’t get enough of this neo-psychedelic, neo-aria, neo-carnivalesque, neo-wiseass excursion into Weird Town. Download the MP3 here, or settle for that other file type here. Czech out the rest of the EP B For Breakfast here, and their Myspace here. Have fun, and good luck.

Review: awx online » Float – The Healer (bp048)

Kol už lango viskas palengva bunda, pristatau garso takelį tam visam gamtos pabudimui – pernai rudenį Bypass netleible išleistą Float mini albumą The Healer. Float pseudonimu prisidengęs yra Belgrado abstrakčios muzikos scenos atstovas Vladimir Mihajlovic. Nuo kitų pastaruoju metu mano klausytų ambientinių albumų, The Healer išsiskiria savita struktūra, kurios greičiausiai negalima vadinti grynu ambientu – pulsuojantys ritmai tirpstantys šiltame dreifuojančiame garsų vandenyne.

[view more]
Review: Disquiet : Trinkets from a Dark Clinician (MP3s)

The 16 tracks that comprise The Coat Hanger Clinic, its title and content reportedly informed by a binge of Korean horror flicks, range from vocoded computer vocals to elegiac piano to 8-bit giddiness to abstract electronica to saccharine pop. Recorded by Cursed Chimera (aka Benatos Thompson, and formerly L.A.M.P.), it’s a purposeful mixed bag, but in that bag are some fine treats. These are the highlights: “Desi Watfah,” a mix of church bells and choking androids, intermittently punctuated by ritual percussion (MP3); “Face Breaker,” a kind of microwave patchinko noise madness that slowly lets its emotive side show (MP3); and “Two Teeth In,” which is simply good old pneumatic pounding (MP3).

By Marc Weidenbaum

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Review: [BP051] Hardstroke – In Front Of The See Through Eye « (thanks a lot)

"Merry Christmas! This release doesn’t at all sound like snow flakes or a silent night, but is a furiously vibrant example of a fusion of extremes. Rock guitars, electronic chord clouds, funky bass lines, disco-like beats seamlessly blend together to a very distinct listening experience which casts feelings of euphoria and nostalgia. But just listen yourself to some tracks of this exceptional Bypass netlabel release.

The opener I thought i knew you (I didn’t) is just great. Listen to it. It’s the musical equivalent of a candy bar, an energy drink and a cold shower — simultaneously. I was just blasted away when I heart it the first time.

Track no. 2 is called Sound waves in outer space and a disco hymn with genes of the soundtrack to the old game series Mega Man. For 2 minutes the main phrase evolves slowly. Then at 2:12 the song transforms to a groovy bling-bling (due to the use of very high synth sounds) dance song which best could be described as cool Europop — if such a thing can exist.

It depends on is introduced by a short quiet piano solo which presents the motive. A sharp attack with all instruments directly follows an repeats the motive with a little more punch. The track then morphs to a mixture of energetic dance track while preserving the dramatic intensity made up by the chord sequence.

For the final words, let my cite the artists’ words from the release notes:

We hope everyone of you will have a nice christmas with this lovely album, see you next year."

- by Johannes Dorfner

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Review: Olympic Smoker: Dark Humor and a Stubborn ’60s Romanticism - Far From Moscow

Looking for initial information concerning the Kazan musician and DJ known as Olympic Smoker is a task that will probably throw up а few false leads, especially when it comes to images. Most often an online search will produce pictures of Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, who – not long after winning eight gold medals at the Beijing Olympics – was photographed smoking an illegal substance. The individual pictured here, therefore, is not the man we need.

Instead, as already hinted, we turn to the Russian city of Kazan, founded in the tenth century and now home to more than a million people. Here, in the last year of the Soviet Union, a boy was born by the name of Emil’ Shakirov. At the age of 14 he would start experimenting in various realms of electronic and dance music. Now, at the advanced age of almost twenty, he lists his preferred styles as minimal, techno, tech-house and “experimental.” These same experiments began to be published a couple of years ago, initially through the Shoki Recordings offshoot of netlabel Deep-X, located in Ekaterinburg.

His other basic home, should we wish to follow Shakirov’s future trajectory, is Bypass, another web project – this time based in Beijing, of all places. Working hard to erase the significance of political geography, Bypass was founded in 2008, and has already produced more than 50 releases, spanning ambient works, chiptunes, more vague “experimental” compositions, idm, trip-hop and field recordings. Irrespective of one’s native language, Bypass is happy to see contributions from “all artists who work seriously in the name of free music and sonic creativity.”


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Related Link: De:Bug Podcast » Various Artists – The Brainslug Paradox [BP043]
Related Link: De:Bug Podcast » Pharmakustik – Implantrobotik [BP053]

Related Link: descargar VVAA – The Brainslug Paradox – (Bypass Netlabel) |

Con un poco de ayuda de tus alter egos | Me gusta Photophob. Durante las habituales lecturas en diagonal, cuando mis ojos detectan la palabra, las sinapsis se concretan y focalizan su atención sólo en el texto adyacente al nombre. Parece que ha invitado a algunos de sus propios alter egos artísticos a participar en un recopilatorio en el que rescata algunas piezas que quedaron por el camino. Ritmos desquebrajados, breakbeats y brokenbeats enérgicos, melodias subliminales y un volumen considerable de grabaciones de campo conforman este recopilatorio publicado en el netlabel chino Bypass.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Related News: BEAT ONLINE

Words quoting from magazine issue 01|2010:

V.A.: The Brainslug Paradox

Der umtriebige Laridae- Labelkopf und photophob- Mastermind Herwig Holzmann hat sich für „The Brainslug Paradox“ etwas ganz Besonderes einfallen lassen: Als Sampler getarnt hat er alle zwölf Beiträge selbst eingespielt. Was wie ein großer Spaß klingt, ist genau das: Old-School-Electrorhythmen treffen auf pumpende Technobeats, und der Ambientsound der Neunziger wird auf kreativ-gekonnte Weise geklont.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Review: by Kert @ Recent music heroes: Enko Okne (Bypass)

Muusikaajaloos on olnud ning on jätkuvalt artiste, kes kiivalt on püüdnud oma identiteeti varjata. Tuntuim näide on kindlasti legendaarne The Residents, kelle kohta on koguni arvatud, et selle taga võivad California tippärimehed peituda. Üle 30 aasta oma identiteeti varjata ei ole saavutus kergete killast. Ka Ukrainast Sumõ linnast pärit Enko (ka eNKo) nime all tuntud artisti kohta ei ole palju infot. Tema myspace`i lehekülge ei suutnud ma vaatamata suurtele pingutustele üles leida. Teada on, et ta on tuntud veel pseudonüümide Artem ning Enkolf Kitler all. See, mis Ukraina artisti eest kõneleb, on tema muusika. Muusikat on ta üllitanud kahe leibli all - Venemaa Qulture Productions`i ning Hiina Bypass`i all. Plaadifirmad, mis mõlemad on tuntud elektroonilise kvaliteetmuusika poolest. [more]

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Radio show: Randomform – Bypass Netlabel Showcase | n0theen

29.01.2010 16:00 – 18:00 CET (GMT/UTC +1)
02.02.2010 18:00 – 20:00 CET (GMT/UTC +1)
04.02.2010 20:00 – 22:00 CET (GMT/UTC +1)
09.02.2010 02:00 – 04:00 CET (GMT/UTC +1)

Randomform – Bypass Netlabel Showcase

Randomform is a changing, shifting, multiple facet alias focused on structure and mechanical rhythms. Each track creates a image of moving pieces in a large structure that slowly changes form, becoming more and more complex or decomposing right before your eyes.

I have released a few EPs on Crazy Language and Patpong Records and appeared with tracks and remixes on various compilations.

For the Bypass Showcase Mix I tried to stay true to my Randomform style of creating music, blending and morphing the tracks, overlapping them and in a way building new tracks as the mix progresses. The mix shows the variety of the Bypass Netlabel catalogue, from idm to ambient, downtempo and field recordings.

Randomform – Redapt EP (Crazy Language-2009)
Randomform – (Patpong Records-2008)
Randomform – Sysma EP (Crazy Language-2008)

Randomform – Axia (Crazy Monographic Podcast Mix-2010)
Randomform – Ripp.Centr (Crazy Compilation#4-2009)
Randomform – Bliq-Per (Bypass Netlabel-2009)
Randomform – Vecp-Tecc (Thanks For n0theen – Daystream-2009)
Randomform – Assimetry (Dimented Droid Netlabel-2009)
Randomform – Metlquube (Crazy Compilation#3-2008)

Bypass Netlabel is an independent internet record label based in Beijing city, China, which was started in 2008 and run by the just one person, Zhang, who is also a board-member of Pleasurize Music Foundation. Currently Bypass focused on Electronica music with different kind of originality and attractiveness creations. But first important thing we took carefully is artist who working seriously for free-music and new sounds exploring.

Part 1 – Showcase tracks listing:

01. EugeneKha – Internal Phantoms [BP049]
02. OCP - Relax [BP050]
03. Mel – Noncompliance [BP041]
04. Enko – Termin [BP042]
05. Olympic Smoker – Alpha [BP025]
06. Macabro – The Day We Cried No More [BP044]
07. EugeneKha – Nights Bots [BP049]
08. Float – Channeling Thoughts [BP048]
09. Microbit Project – The Long Dark Summer Night Part1 – Animals [BP035]
10. Laiila – Between Palpation And Pending Fixation [BP034]
11. Megatone – Xenomorph 09 [BP029]
12. Cursed Chimera – Chrotch Fires [BP031]
13. Mel – K [BP018]
14. EugeneKha – Stains On The Sun [BP019]
15. Nick R 61 – 108 [BP030]
16. Float – Timeless Hour [BP046]
17. Laiila – Oblivious Of The Beauty [BP034]
18. Enko – Echo Ego [BP042]
19. Enko – Seli Cone [BP036]
20. Cursed Chimera – Bunny [BP020]
21. Eskazed ft.Rivkah – No Time To Waste [BP047]
22. Syndrom – Midnight Driving [BP027]
23. Zhang JW – A4 [BP007]
24. Phillip Wilkerson – Incident 3 [BP016]
25. Zhang JW – A3 [BP007]
26. Cursed Chimera – Lo-Aquios Alsa [BP020]
27. Macabro – Unborn [BP044]

Part 2 – Featured tracks listing:

01. Hardstroke – It depends on
02. Hardstroke – Sound waves in outer space
03. Eskazed – South Trainer
04. Eskazed – Lonely Soul
05. Eskazed – The Black Sheep Revisited
06. PerlssDj – Cinetica
07. Macabro –Three Years
08. Macabro – See You (Never Again)
09. Photophob – Brainslugs Invade!
10. Urban Dialectix – Watch The Step
11. Macon Tights feat. The Unprovoked Defence Squad – Na-Na-Na Na Na
12. Syndrom – Human Beings DataBase
13. The O.P. – Made In The USA
14. The O.P. – Dust

Monday, January 25, 2010

Related link: kai's Netlabel Music Charts 2009

Top-5 Netaudio Tracks in 2009

"possibillities" - henrik jose (camomille::[cam106])
"Eyeme (Album Edit)" - Fredricson (lostchildren::[lostchildren071])
"To the surface" - Fjordne (IOD::[IOD007])
"Indigo Shoots" - Araya (Bypass::[bp033])
"Beyond The Chasm" - 芳川よしの (maltine records::[maru056]) more

and: Monthly Netlabel Music Selection - 2009 まとめ

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Especially thanks: Top 3 2009 thierry massard / noCo…mment on Dogmazine

thierry is the one who was lead us walking into the netaudio world, he introduced me to know about n0theen, his writing gaves me such help. A deep thanks to you my friend, thanks all you did for me and for Bypass.

Best respect.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Related Link: Free Charts MP3 Music by Sonicsquirrel’s Creative Commons Music Netlabel Moments 2009

This absolute is a surprise, we got Top-5 Songs 2009, Top Netlabels 2009 and Best Creative Commons Albums 2009 but in together.

Deeply grateful to people who gave us too much in this year, we wish everyone of you will got a inspired 2010, merry xmas all!

Review: [BP047] Eskazed - Overload Reviewed by: Pete Woolley on Blacklash Magazine

Over the current crop of French electro-purveyors – Feadz, Kavinsky and Teenage Bad Girl to name but three fancies - Eskazed is a current favourite. His debut, Overload, is a fantastic release that has seemingly fallen under the radar. Sourcing a wide range of influences, notably hip-hop and trip-hop abstractions, but also, as is evident on The Final Wish, there is a healthy appreciation of rock melodrama. Some tentative treatment of the classic guitar lick, which itself could’ve been pinched from an (unfortunately) underwritten indie anthem, provides a late zeal to an otherwise thorough album.

Opening track, The Black Sheep Revisited compounds Eskazed’s sound into a compelling introduction. Opening amid a broad Boards of Canada influence, synths loop over and through each other in a spatial plain that is arguably better suited to the mid bugged out halcyon days of the 90s, but it’s Eskazed’s cuts that really present this work as something to admire. A solo, boxy drum fill augments the hip hop influence, and wakes the track from its slumber. The stuttering beat continues layered over and under an injection of vocal and melody.

‘Seethe’ pushes onwards, whirring warning sounds drop the track into darker reaches than its sleepy precursor, and knowing we can’t float on like that forever, Eskazed places a perfect foil. And it’s a pattern that persists because he has produced a record, and not just another series of songs to add credence to a label compilation. It might not be an album to push any boundaries, but simply one that deserves to be heard and enjoyed.

Reviewed by: Pete Woolley

Monday, December 14, 2009

Related Link: monographic 041 | bypass | INQ Mag / Monographic Podcast | A Netaudio Resource

By Mikel:

There are no walls for netaudio, neither physical nor virtual.

Based in China, Bypass netlabel is actually one of the most active and prolific netlabels. Around half a hundred releases on genres predominantly IDM or Ambient, come to state the musical aesthetic of the platform and featuring artists from the most diverse countries.

Its curator, Zhang Jian Wen, has colaborated with INQ with this selection of tunes that reflect the main stylistic core and are an appropiate approximation to the work of Bypass.

01 – macabro [Latvia] – Three Years
02 – Smallbox [Austria] – Paradigm (Photophob RMX)
03 – Araya [U.K. Scotland] – Indigo Shoots
04 – Olympic Smoker [Russia] – Quintessense
05 – Syndrôm [France] – Le Chaudron Et La Sorcière
06 – Cursed Chimera [United States] – Bunny
07 – Mel [Japan] – Steady-State
08 – ZhangJW [China] – Historys
09 – Enko [Ukraine] – Mioride
10 – Laiila [Germany] – Oblivious Of The Beauty
11 – Laiila [Germany] – In Falling Apart By Proxy
12 – Nick R 61 [Russia] – Evolution of Phone
13 – Phillip Wilkerson [United States] – Twilight
14 – Luís Antero [Portugal] – The Sea
15 – Megatone [Moldova] – Blue Abyss
Related Link: Machtdose’s Creative Commons Music Netlabel Moments 2009

well, I've already recorded that what I was thought about "The Best Creative Commons Music Moments in 2009", but that stimulation was goes to double.

Related Link: Netlabels & News: O.C.P. "Must" [BP050]

El netlabel Bypass llega a su referencia numero cincuenta, para la cual cuentan con un trabajo de Joao Ricardo, mas conocido en el mundo del netaudio como O.C.P. (operador de cabine polivalente). Conocido por sus numerosos trabajos en distintos netlabels, entre otros Test Tube, MiMi o Enough Records. Hoy en día gestiona su propio netlabel EdP (Editora do Porto),con excelentes resultados.
O.C.P. es un interesante proyecto de Glicth/Ambient, con un sonido personalisimo, Joao es un experto creador de collages sonoros a partir de casi cualquier fuente. El sentido y coherencia viene dado por el conjunto y la inteligente relación que se produce entre los distintos elementos: sutiles atmósferas, texturas, subgraves, etc. Finalmente en muchos tracks va surgiendo una estructura rítmica, a partir de glitches, cercana al dub.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Related Link: Free Charts MP3 Music by Mogwai’s Creative Commons Music Netlabel Moments 2009

well...i must talk about this in Chinese.

年底的由Phlow.de发起的The Best Creative Commons Music Moments in 2009自然是一年中最为重要的一个活动. 由全世界24位最为活跃的自由音乐活动者每天评选出全年的5个最佳Netlabel, 5首最佳歌曲及5张最佳专辑. 而我感到颇为荣幸的是, 在第4天的活动中Bypass Netlabel由n0theen电台的Mogwai投票选举为全球数以千计的5个Top Netlabels 2009中的一个.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Link: awx online » For Lovers | 2009-11-21

For Lovers by awx

01. ZhangJW – A3 (Paris EP, Bypass)
02. Iambic² – Touch The Sky (Under These Stars, We’ll Sleep Again, Laridae)
03. Corwin Trails – Hakim Bay (Corwin Trails, Archaic Horizon)
04. Gabriel & Track53- Contrail (Document C, The Whisper Foundation)
05. Nocow – Failing Flame (Aley, Dedpop)
06. Track53 – Arcus Current (Document C, The Whisper Foundation)
07. Orange Crush – The Stream (Autumn Reflections, Archaic Horizon)
08. Gabriel – Newtonian (The Motion Range EP, Retronym)
09. Pix – To Begin Again (Life Living, Fresh Poulp Records)
10. Saturday Index – Partly Cloudy (Dub Forecast mmx) (Partly Cloudy, Archaic Horizon)
11. Beitegeuze – Caulerpa Taxifolia (Form, Laridae)
12. Orange Crush – Deep Float (The Fields, Archaic Horizon)
13. 91plus – Haunted Pylons (Sunsetter EP, Retronym)
14. Dissolved – Brittle Star Covenant (Document C, The Whisper Foundation)
15. Gabriel – Durham Avenue (with Orange Crush) (The Motion Range EP, Retronym)
16. Ikimashoo Aoi – We Love You a Thousand (Winter, Enough Records)
17. Boreal Network – Zero Zero Zulu (Aviation Weather, Self released)
18. Cilocub – Slowly Turning Leaves (March Febrile EP, Retronym)
19. Crisopa – Suenos De Babirusa (Filamentosa EP, Persona Isla)
20. Fieldtriqp – In Flight mmx (Wasted Magic in the Sound, Archaic Horizon)
21. Lithium Enchantment – Troposail (Lithium Enchantment, Archaic Horizon)
22. Ten and Tracer – A Distant Monarch (Milieu mix4) (Wasted Magic in the Sound, Archaic Horizon)
23. (Val)liam – Orange Horizon (Early Reflections, Dewtone)
24. Sinkfield – Raising An Ocean (Sun Burned Memories, Archaic Horizon)
25. Boreal Network – The Big Fitz (Aviation Weather, Self released)
26. Boreal Network – Birch Pine Maple Oak (Birch Pine Maple Oak, Self released)
27. 2% – Tops (Nowcast, Archaic Horizon)
28. Imtech – The Knack (Cycles, Camomille Music)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Related Link: “Aqual(o)unge 4″ (Machtdose)

a wonderful mix from Machtdose.

1. Beyond Absence - Heavy Breath [Webbed Hand 117]
2. Vertical67 - Blue [Acroplane 027]
3. Grids/Units/Planes - Flickering Fluros (This Brittle Night) [IDM Forums 002]
4. Umbrellas in the Rain - Unbroken Surface [test tube 142]
5. Ingredient - Striations [Zenapolae 051]
6. Foam - Trouble [Archipel 056]
7. Fatiq - Race to Love [MonoKraK 24]
8. Pesina Siller - Miss Kittin [Konfort 023]
9. Yagya - Coconut Rice [Sutemos 023]
10. freund der familie - 000 [broque 046]
11. hoax - Regis [insectorama 031]
12. Matthias Springer - Realm of Minds [Rumpfunk 018]
13. Echonoise - Telonius Trak [This Side Music 007]
14. Phillip Wilkerson - Sun Up [Bypass 038]
15. Zzzzra - Mutation [bio-mechanics 004]
16. Dev - Mirror Error [parastate 001]
17. Mr. Zu - In the Distance [deepindub 030]
18. Optic - Untitled [schall 025]
19. deep source project - drifting under [white in music 08]
20. Ryko - Swimming Places [auflegware 028]
21. Marsmellows - oh my dear [insectorama 030]
22. glander - untiten [Yuki Yaki 010]
23. Waveform - Dub Inside Of Us (re-edit) [deeplimit 10]
24. Roman Slavka - Paste [Pincet 004]
25. EugeneKha - Moonshine [bypass 019]
26. Pirata - Fotones en la oscuridad [Pueblo Nuevo 043]
27. Braun - Finalizer [dreiton 016]
28. Dino Dumandan - Refraction Rarefaction [Deep Lever]
29. Winterstrand - Seawater Mountain [laridae 040]
30. Lokua - Water Rock [Soft Phase 03]
31. Audiodump - May [Electronica 03]
32. Background Noise - Neptune [Ruidemos 012]

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Link: awx online » Mel – Noncompliance (bp041)

Introduction by awx online. thanks a lot.

Tai antras japono Mel darbas Bypass netleible. Apie pirmą atskiro įrašo nerašiau, tačiau rekomendavau, kad gražaus ambiento injekciją. Noncompliance yra kiek kitoks Mel požiūris į muziką. Paprastumą muzikoje mėgstantis Aogu Yoshida šį kartą pateikė labiau ritmines, IDM’ines kompozicijas ir manau šie eksperimentai pavyko. Iš bendro konteksto išsiskiria tik pirmasis kūrinys Intro, kurį Mel įrašė kartu su savo draugu Junji.

Be šio pseudonimo, Mel muziką leido pasivadinęs on_14 ir ao nick’ais Test Tube, Rain Music ir Mimi netleibluose. Ankstesnė Aogu Yoshida produkcija turėtų patikti eksperimentinės, drone muzikos gerbėjams.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Review by: Enko: Ukrainian Electronica from Dead-End Streets : Far From Moscow, thanks a lot.


The new EP from Enko comes to us from Bypass Records, a fascinating netlabel based in Beijing. They have been responsible for a number of recordings made not only in Russia, but Ukraine, Moldova, and Latvia. This bold sense of sonic adventure, unlimited by language or political geography, has been nicely displayed on a map at the label’s website. Bypass operates according to the following credo (we’ve altered the English a little): “Currently we publish idm, ambient, electronica and experimental music. We help artists both to release and promote their music on the internet. That’s what we do! We are limited neither by style, nor ethnicity. The most important things for us are the originality and attractiveness of electronic music.”

Which brings us to Enko, a solo project based in the northern Ukrainian city of Sumy, close to the Russian border. In fact the history of the town does include a period during which it was incorporated into that neighboring empire - and became a major industrial center as a result. Prosperity brings certain risks, though, especially during times of conflict. In WWII Sumy was pounded by German forces and consequently has a rather peculiar architectural appearance today, a combination of older buildings that survived the bombing - shown above- and large tracts of Soviet apartments, built on the rubble of the twentieth century. In terms of geography, imagery, and history, therefore, Sumy is a peripheral location, balanced between opposing states, in several senses of the word. MORE

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Review: Disquiet » Netlabel Release from China’s Bypass (MP3s) Thanks.

The China-based netlabel Bypass ( presents Noncompliance by Japan-based Mel, who’s previously recorded for Complementary Distribution, Test Tube, and other fine netlabels. Aside from the opening Noncompliance track, “Intro,” which offers free-jazz guitar squonking (credited to Junji) above light synthetic tones (MP3), the five-track album consists entirely of Mel, alone. What follows the anomalous “Intro” is percussive electronica, from a mix of gentle chimes and truncated beats on “Molecular Clock” (MP3) to the film-cue-ready dub-lite of “Steady State” (MP3). The latter track is particularly rewarding, with its momentary breaks for ear-rattling timpani. On each track, Mel displays a penchant for deploying a modest collection of melodic and rhythmic materials in a manner that suggests compositional development without overstating the promise.

Get the full album at More at Mel’s website,

By Marc Weidenbaum

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Related Link: .: Phillip Wilkerson - Williams Park EP ( electronica - エレクトロニカ )
Related Link: Playlist June 13th 2009 « Not the normal shit radio
Related Link: Playlist June 20th 2009 « Not the normal shit radio

NTNS Radio对于实验性音乐的支持与工作热情是令人感到折服. Phillip Wilkerson先生的Midland Part4入选了The best of NTNS Radio (AprMayJune 2009)的合辑精选中.

同时Laiila的000013, Version Of和Siegmar Fricke先生的CHEMODULATOR也分别被选录于NTNS6月13号和20号的电台节目中.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Review: awx online » VA – The Nines (bp033)
Review: .: Laiila - 000013, Version Of ( アンビエント - ambient - xprmntl )
Review: .: Enko : Posttok ( IDM - エレクトロニカ)

Review: noCo...mment: Microbit Project :: the long dark summer night

dissident project of the multimedia artist Evgenij Kharitonov, that summer night is by far, not that much longer or dark as announced. That night, full of sounscapes and funny populated by little creatures, is an epic, much descriptive, graphic, narrative, suggestive, well-drawn exercice fully able to satisfy unrepentant dreamers, and those disappointed by orbian wanderings of a London in an ancient future. Macro promising bits !

Related Link: INQ Mag / Monographic Podcast | A Netaudio Resource » Blog Archive » BP034 | Laiila – 000013, Version Of
Related Link: Laiila - 000013, Version Of (2009) » Скачать новые альбомы
Related Link: INQ Mag / Monographic Podcast | A Netaudio Resource » Blog Archive » BP036 | Enko – Posttok EP

Thanks to awx, rajsank, thierry, deepgoa,, INQ Mag and Ragnar's review on Earlabs & LegalTorrents.