Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Review: The Coat Hanger Clinic, by Cursed Chimera « The Muse In Music

Review: Recent music heroes: Cagey House B for Breakfast (Bypass)

(Estonian) Kas B for Breakfast" on sama, mis oleks "H hommikusöögi tarvis"? Või peab jätkuvalt täht "B" seda seost tunnusmärgitsema? Või hoopis mõni teine initsiaal? Näiteks M(esilane)? See on ilmselt sama, mis küsida, mis eristab Dave Keifer`i 13. albumit tema eelmistest teostest "Lark" ja "1902". Narratiivi muutused pisiasjades, millel on illusoorne moment juures, st tegelikkuses ameeriklase muusikalist kehandit muutmata. Hoolimata tõigast, et Jaapani leibel (Bump Foot) on vahetunud Hiina oma (Bypass) vastu - viimane on ennekõike tuntud rütmikeskse elektroonilise muusika kataloogi läbi. Tõepoolest, Cagey House`i kulg - 5 lugu 14 minuti sees - on jätkuvalt mittetantsuline ja sämplikeskne - kummastavad miljööd, happelised sündipassaažid, spooky klaverimuusika, teatraalsed sopransämplid - mis kokkuvõttes justkui pärineks kusagilt kummitusooperist. Sametise interjööriga art house-muusika. Metafüüsiline noir. Minu lemmiklugu on Honey Yep Nope - hunnitute vokaalosiste ja klaveriakordidega klanitud sundimatu electro-draiv.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Review: noCo...mment: Cagey House :: b for breakfast

la légèreté d'être, d'entendre et probablement de voir aussi, à chaque nouvelle réalisation de Cagey House, Dave Keifer nous enchante, nous ravit et nous permet, encore et toujours, d'espèrer que le monde pourrait être ainsi fait, de brics et de brocs, de timballes enchantées, de fanfares chamarrées, de libertinages écervelés, d'accords de guitares de dentelles, de divas supersoniques et d'un sourire de Kurt Schwitters, d'un collage libellule de Kinle Wo, de tambours battants, du voisinage d'un lièvre de mars, d'enfants toujours espiègles et d'adultes faisant des grimaces amusantes à l'ordre et la raison, avant de s'enfuir vers le prochain instant - un instant de bonheur.

by Thierry Massard

And some cool words:

Beautiful album of Cagey House. It sounds like 60's cartoons soundtrack. I feel like when I was a children while i listen to it. If you don't know his music, please try it.


I can’t get enough of this neo-psychedelic, neo-aria, neo-carnivalesque, neo-wiseass excursion into Weird Town. Download the MP3 here, or settle for that other file type here. Czech out the rest of the EP B For Breakfast here, and their Myspace here. Have fun, and good luck.

Review: awx online » Float – The Healer (bp048)

Kol už lango viskas palengva bunda, pristatau garso takelį tam visam gamtos pabudimui – pernai rudenį Bypass netleible išleistą Float mini albumą The Healer. Float pseudonimu prisidengęs yra Belgrado abstrakčios muzikos scenos atstovas Vladimir Mihajlovic. Nuo kitų pastaruoju metu mano klausytų ambientinių albumų, The Healer išsiskiria savita struktūra, kurios greičiausiai negalima vadinti grynu ambientu – pulsuojantys ritmai tirpstantys šiltame dreifuojančiame garsų vandenyne.

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Review: Disquiet : Trinkets from a Dark Clinician (MP3s)

The 16 tracks that comprise The Coat Hanger Clinic, its title and content reportedly informed by a binge of Korean horror flicks, range from vocoded computer vocals to elegiac piano to 8-bit giddiness to abstract electronica to saccharine pop. Recorded by Cursed Chimera (aka Benatos Thompson, and formerly L.A.M.P.), it’s a purposeful mixed bag, but in that bag are some fine treats. These are the highlights: “Desi Watfah,” a mix of church bells and choking androids, intermittently punctuated by ritual percussion (MP3); “Face Breaker,” a kind of microwave patchinko noise madness that slowly lets its emotive side show (MP3); and “Two Teeth In,” which is simply good old pneumatic pounding (MP3).

By Marc Weidenbaum

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Review: [BP051] Hardstroke – In Front Of The See Through Eye « (thanks a lot)

"Merry Christmas! This release doesn’t at all sound like snow flakes or a silent night, but is a furiously vibrant example of a fusion of extremes. Rock guitars, electronic chord clouds, funky bass lines, disco-like beats seamlessly blend together to a very distinct listening experience which casts feelings of euphoria and nostalgia. But just listen yourself to some tracks of this exceptional Bypass netlabel release.

The opener I thought i knew you (I didn’t) is just great. Listen to it. It’s the musical equivalent of a candy bar, an energy drink and a cold shower — simultaneously. I was just blasted away when I heart it the first time.

Track no. 2 is called Sound waves in outer space and a disco hymn with genes of the soundtrack to the old game series Mega Man. For 2 minutes the main phrase evolves slowly. Then at 2:12 the song transforms to a groovy bling-bling (due to the use of very high synth sounds) dance song which best could be described as cool Europop — if such a thing can exist.

It depends on is introduced by a short quiet piano solo which presents the motive. A sharp attack with all instruments directly follows an repeats the motive with a little more punch. The track then morphs to a mixture of energetic dance track while preserving the dramatic intensity made up by the chord sequence.

For the final words, let my cite the artists’ words from the release notes:

We hope everyone of you will have a nice christmas with this lovely album, see you next year."

- by Johannes Dorfner

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Review: Olympic Smoker: Dark Humor and a Stubborn ’60s Romanticism - Far From Moscow

Looking for initial information concerning the Kazan musician and DJ known as Olympic Smoker is a task that will probably throw up а few false leads, especially when it comes to images. Most often an online search will produce pictures of Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, who – not long after winning eight gold medals at the Beijing Olympics – was photographed smoking an illegal substance. The individual pictured here, therefore, is not the man we need.

Instead, as already hinted, we turn to the Russian city of Kazan, founded in the tenth century and now home to more than a million people. Here, in the last year of the Soviet Union, a boy was born by the name of Emil’ Shakirov. At the age of 14 he would start experimenting in various realms of electronic and dance music. Now, at the advanced age of almost twenty, he lists his preferred styles as minimal, techno, tech-house and “experimental.” These same experiments began to be published a couple of years ago, initially through the Shoki Recordings offshoot of netlabel Deep-X, located in Ekaterinburg.

His other basic home, should we wish to follow Shakirov’s future trajectory, is Bypass, another web project – this time based in Beijing, of all places. Working hard to erase the significance of political geography, Bypass was founded in 2008, and has already produced more than 50 releases, spanning ambient works, chiptunes, more vague “experimental” compositions, idm, trip-hop and field recordings. Irrespective of one’s native language, Bypass is happy to see contributions from “all artists who work seriously in the name of free music and sonic creativity.”
